
B.J. Penn - Official Site

Shouted out after victory to the UFC masses, BJPENN.COM is the home to multiple time champion BJ Penn. After a decade of on-line operation BJPENN.COM has evolved into the most reliable destination for all your fighter interviews, fighter blogs and MMA/UFC...

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▲這個日本攝影師進入了素人正妹的「私密處」(source:番號表,示意圖)   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編! 今天要向大家介紹的是日本攝影師川本史織的攝影作品集《墮落部屋》,他接觸了了日本50位宅女,其中有動漫宅、鐵道宅、電影宅、玩偶宅等等,經過她們同意後拍下她們家的房間的照片。而這些女...
