
Kyoto Royal Hotel & SPA : Kyoto, Kawaramachi Sanjo Area [ ISHIN HOTELS GROUP ]

Kyoto Royal Hotel & Spa is located on Kawaramachi Street, Kyoto’s main restaurant and entertainment avenue, the hotel is also centrally located providing easy access to the city’s sights including Nijo Castle, Kiyomizu Temple, Kinkakuji Temple and Ginkaku...

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最近天氣冷颼颼!又濕又冷~想必早上上班上課的朋友一定格外辛苦吧~ 今天為了提振大家的士氣特別來個超KUSO的照片,給大家暖暖手熱熱身子啊! 原來小老鼠也會玩這種你嚇我,我嚇不倒你的遊戲啊= =...
