
Keio Plaza Hotel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keio Plaza Hotel (京王プラザホテル, Keiō puraza hoteru?) is an upscale hotel in the Nishi-Shinjuku district in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan and the name of a chain of hotels. Keio Plaza Hotel was the first skyscraper built in Nishi-Shinjuku and the first high-rise hote...

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最近天氣冷颼颼!又濕又冷~想必早上上班上課的朋友一定格外辛苦吧~ 今天為了提振大家的士氣特別來個超KUSO的照片,給大家暖暖手熱熱身子啊! 原來小老鼠也會玩這種你嚇我,我嚇不倒你的遊戲啊= =...
