
Coffee Machines | Coffee where passion is tempered with reality

190 thoughts on “ Coffee Machines ” Den April 21, 2009 at 11:45 am Now I can’t wait for the Oscar!!! Eugene Khoo April 22, 2009 at 10:17 am Let’s say you have about RM2.5K… can I get a good espresso machine and grinder with that? kfchan Post author April ...

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一對男女,新婚不久男方要去外地學習一年。 到了外地,輾轉幾次男人終於找到一間滿意的合租的住房,可是,房東是一個年輕女孩,男人躊躇再三告訴了女人,彼時他們相戀六年,婚期不過半年,自信滿滿的女人沒有猶豫就答應了男人。  轉眼時間過去了兩個月,女人替別人上班和不停的加班換來了五天的休...
