
Could the eye have evolved by natural selection in a geological blink? | Uncommon Descent

It is commonly believed that Dr. Dan-Eric Nilsson and Dr. Susanne Pelger of Lund University in Sweden demonstrated in a scientific paper written ... Schematic diagram showing the evolution of the eye. Image courtesy of Matticus78 and Wikipedia. Nilsson an...

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▲ 辣得不要不要的。(Source:@Aalis,下同。)   大家好,港仔羊編來了,喜歡吃茶餐廳的饕客都知道,在絲襪奶茶或是鴛鴦裡都會加入港視特有的煉奶,最知名的品牌就是「黑白淡奶」,這或許是很好喝的飲料,但小編最近又給了它全新的定義,請拭目以待吧~   #1 像花般綻開的女...


▲這名Coser長得非常正,卻被爆料...(source:ixiumei,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 近年來,隨著動漫遊戲的發展越來越爐火純青,Coser這個職業可以變成一種職業也可以成為一個興趣。 根據ixiumei報導,大陸有一名叫做「琉璃青RO沉迷」的Cosplay玩家引起了...
