
Low pass filter circuit 10KHz using uA741 | Eleccircuit.com

See Other projects in : Audio diagram • Oscillator And: Audio filters, IC 741, Low pass filter Posted by momename - August 22, 2009 at 9:34 pm This be the circuit filters 10KHz low size frequencies s use IC op-amp the highly popular number uA741. By this ...

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日前,一男一女攜帶2名小孩在廣東電白縣城水東人民路上裸體徒步行走,引發路人圍觀。此事在電白同鄉論壇等社區網絡上,也引起眾多網友關注。 當天晚上,電白縣公安局有關負責人在網上回復稱:“該男女是一對夫婦,兩個小孩是他們的孩子。男名張某某,自稱50歲;女名張某某,37歲。兩人是河南省舞陽縣人...
