
The Secure Documents and Downloads Page Is Offline

Sorry — something went wrong on our end. We're having issues with the secured downloads area of LSI.com Something technical went wrong on our site which forced us to take the site offline, temporarily. We are working to bring the secured downloads area of...

網址安全性掃描由 google 提供

相信攝影同好往往有的通病就是:為了拍出好照片寧可不顧形象。為了拍教堂頂端而站到馬路中央、為了拍樂團而硬擠到舞台前方、為了拍捷運車廂而大喊隨機單字(觀看範例)等等。你還做過哪些瘋狂事呢?  Canon的新相機廣告裡利用攝影人的這點特質,拍出了有點放泥又有點感人的廣告。 成品 過程 &ndas...
