
Shotgun shell with a M80 in it? - The Firing Line Forums

Shotgun shell with a M80 in it? The Dave McCracken Memorial Shotgun Forum ... I just recently met a guy who runs a farm. He showed a bunch of the 12 gauge shells me. I had heard of them before, but had never saw one up close and personal....

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超人氣韓綜「Running Man」中的固定班底-「懵智」宋智孝與李善均、寶兒(BoA)、李相燁等人搭檔主演韓劇「老婆這週要出牆」,宋智孝跟李善均兩人首度合作飾演結婚八年的恩愛夫妻,擦出了不少的火花。特別是這次宋智孝演技大挑戰化身「千變女郎」,劇中首次升格當媽,不僅飾演擔任平面設計師外,還演出紅杏出...
