
OS X Yosemite: About entering Chinese handwritten characters

If you have a trackpad, you can use Trackpad Handwriting to enter Chinese characters with ... Apple; Store; Mac; iPhone; Watch; iPad; iPod; iTunes; Support ... Before you can use Trackpad Handwriting, you must add a Chinese input source....

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話說每一個喜歡音樂的朋友,可能都會對被粉絲們愛稱為「黃老闆」、「毛茸茸」的英國歌手Ed Sheeran不陌生了,       黃老闆年紀輕輕就出名了,橫掃了英國美國的各種音樂榜單,出道以來的三張專輯加起來不知道賣了多少萬張,各種大小的獎項,也基本都得過一遍了&hell...
