
Excel 2011 for the Mac Tips - Excel Automation - Ron de Bruin

Excel 2011 for the Mac Tips In July 2011, I started working with Office 2011 on my first Mac computer. My idea is to go through all my Excel for Windows tip pages and see if I can also get the VBA code working in Excel 2011. In this Mac section you'll fin...

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  別人再好,也是別人。自己再不堪,也是自己,獨一無二的自己。只要努力去做最好的自己,一生足矣。 我們時常會感覺到心累,只是自己想得太多。我們總說生活繁瑣,其實是自己不懂得品味。我們時常業務繁忙,只是自己得不到滿足。我們也總是爭強好勝,其實是自己虛榮心太強。其實,人生就那麼簡單。做個單純的...
