
If God Loves Me Why Am I Not Married? | True Woman

Being 39, staring at the soon arriving train of 40, single, never-married, no children, etc. I know that He loves me and has His best for me. I trust and cling to the truth of His Word. I struggle with the "why" at times. Having to give up the idea of hav...

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近日,貴州衛視《非常完美》人氣男嘉賓吳大偉備受網友關注,因其在個人微博上曬出的與自己年紀相差18歲的小妹妹溫馨照,好哥哥微博表示“我們是相 差18年的兄妹,我會和你拍很多很多的照片,等你長大了要談戀愛了我就把這些照片給你男朋友看,讓他知道你從小到大都是被捧過來的,他要是敢對你不好他就 ...
