
Moon Waltz online - Werewolf Game - Play Mad fun addictive games with Highscores and Badges

Guide the werewolf through the village killing as many humans as possible. Make sure to stay out of reach from your enemies. ... GottaLuvFatCatsJun 29, 2013 LV.9 I love how the cat follows you, you're just haveing a werewolf spaz attack and you pass it th...

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▲這對情侶適可而止唷!!!(Source:爆料公社,下同。)   大家好,我是大男人羊編。 小編承認自己可能有點大男人,會吃醋女友穿太暴露亂給其他男生吃冰淇淋,但是又很奇怪的愛看其他女生暴露,這個心態真的很要不得,雖然說想改掉壞習慣很久了,男人的本性就是難移,哎~~誰能來拯救淪陷的男人們...


▲淹水可以穿的超實用拖鞋。(source:buzzfeed,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 人類平凡的生活裡,總是需要特別的東西來點綴一下風味,不管是人也好、興趣或物品都好,人生總是要有點滋味,否則枉來世間走一遭。 根據buzzfeed報導,以下是5個「確定是活在未來2073年」的超創...
