
2015 Ford Mustang EcoBoost Automatic Test – Review – Car and Driver

The 2015 Ford Mustang EcoBoost is the answer to a question that was asked during the last oil crisis. Which, if you were born later than 1979, was blessedly over by the time you arrived. In the aftermath, Ford took a whack at the challenge of creating a s...

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圖片來自:http://goo.gl/zexdA 哈囉哈嚕~~最近你有沒有發現,現在的小女生越來越早熟了呢?還記得小彤在韓國的時候,看到隔壁學校的女子高中放學下課,女高中生各個打扮的漂漂亮亮,不管是臉上的妝還是頭髮,似乎都比小彤還會打扮耶@_@''讓小彤感覺自己好像鄉下來的阿土T^T~~好啦~~還...
