
Benefits Home Page - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

National Compensation Survey - Benefits produces comprehensive data on the incidence (the percentage of workers with access to and participation in employer provided ... Paid leave in private industry over the past 20 years. This article looks at the chan...

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文/艾姬 當兩個獨立的個體要共同書寫愛情的習題,本來就不是件容易的事。感情生活的種種細節,有可能在忽視之中累積成難以化解的問題,終至覆水難收只得分離的結局。再親密的兩個人,也不見得一個眼神對方就懂妳的心,很多時候還是要靠雙方誠懇地溝通,才能調整到契合且愉悅的感情狀態。愛,是墜入的;愛情,卻是經營而來...
