
Infographic: Geek vs Nerd explained - Phone Arena - Phone News, Reviews and Specs

The old geek vs nerd conundrum is solved by plotting the terms that correlate more with one of these states of mind than the other on a graph to set a clear distinction on who is more "nerdy" and who is more "geeky", or where these two conditions intersec...

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▲情侶上網求助網友幫忙P圖。(source:sickchirpse,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 近年來PS非常盛行,只要有網友拍出不滿意的照片,都可以透過堅強的PS技術來達成個人心目中的理想,又因為網路的發達,自己不會PS的也可以上網求助網友幫忙P圖,只是出來的結果滿不滿意...我...


▲女兵特輯(source:太陽湖畔的金屬,下同)   大家好,我是煞氣編。 想到要去當兵與那段艱辛的日子是不實就覺得白白浪費了一年,在那被當下人呢?據太陽湖畔的金屬整理的各國女兵特輯,如果當初我們進軍中有這麼多美麗的女兵,留營率都要超越百分百了啦!   #7北韓女兵 果然金正恩...
