
登山手套 防水、防風、保暖、健行、工作手套

Super breathable and incredibly quick drying, the Contact Gloves are highly articulated, tactile ice climbing gloves with protective EVA foam panels on the back of the hand and fingers. Water-resistant but built without a waterproof insert, the minimal Co...

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來自經典工作服品牌 Carhartt WIP,最新 Spring/Summer 2014 系列Lookbook 影片發表,不管是男裝還是女裝,都可以穿出帥氣的設計風格,搭配本季的迷彩主軸,以及軍裝感的服飾設定,讓Carhartt WIP 同樣帥氣。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.J...
