
Dear God, Will You Ever Give Me the Man of My Prayers? - Intentional By Grace

On April 23, 2007, I wrote the following in my beloved journal: Dear God, I want a Christian home. I want to raise a Christian family. One that goes to church on Sundays, is involved with the church, and prays together at night. I want a husband. I want a...

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從高級餐廳到路邊攤,為了吃,我們繼續哎唷。愛喲~女孩總覺得男生交往前後差很大,男孩總覺得女孩想太多,情侶間相處時心理的OS”哎唷”, 其實都是因為”愛喲” 男生必看,女生必懂的【哎唷。愛喲】 哎唷。愛喲 – 愛就宅在家裡 以上內容為噪咖版權...
