
So if somebody blocks you on FB. - the Data Lounge - Gay Celebrity Gossip, Gay Politics, Gay News

Have you automatically blocked them? I don't like the idea of him seeing my stuff on mutual friends pages. ... [quote]"NotFriendFriends"? Christ, just grow a pair and unfriend them completely. Why go to such lengths to practice petty exclusion?%0D %0D One...

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上班剛一周,剛穿上警服的小五決定犒勞犒勞自己,到劇院看電影。買票的隊伍排得長長的,小五舒口氣,排到最後。“新警察吧?”旁邊一個人問。小五納悶:“你咋知道?” “咳,老警察哪有排隊買票的。” “哦。...
