
2 Broke Girls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2 Broke Girls is an American television sitcom created for Warner Bros. Television by Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cummings. It premiered on CBS in the United States on September 19, 2011, during the 2011–12 television season. On March 27, 2013, CBS a...

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▲這名正妹為了報復男友把衛生棉黏滿他全車。(source:abiteofnewyork,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 俗話說「嫉妒可以使人變得瘋狂」這句話,小編是相信的,然而根據abiteofnewyork報導的這則在中國發生的新聞,小編才知道原來嫉妒的女生竟然可以做到這種程度! 報...


▲男子本以為可以帥氣的切開水果,沒想到下一秒...(source:youtube,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 相信大家以前都玩過切水果手游吧,根據Lance Stewart 頻道分享的一則影片,內容是國外的一名網友為了進行了一次現實版的「武士刀凌空切水果」挑戰,準備了二把...
