
Panama hat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beginning in the early to mid-1600’s hat weaving evolved as a cottage industry all along the Ecuadorian coast. Hat weaving and wearing grew steadily in Ecuador through the 17th and 18th centuries. Even then, the best quality hats were being made in what i...

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▲登愣!(source: 左:thehookmag / 右:YouTube)   大家好我是云編~ 有句話說食色性也,想要吃美食跟想要色色的事情都是人的本性,沒有什麼好奇怪的,而每個人的性癖又不太一樣,其實這也沒什麼好丟臉的,只要找到能夠配合的人就好。不過如果性癖太特殊的話,可...
