
TPE15: Topeak saddles up w/ new seats, Panobike cycling computers, Tool Monster & mounts for everyth

Topeak had quite a few new goodies behind glass cases at Taipei Cycle show. Since they’re somewhat known for clever little tools (and hugely awesome cases to put them in), we’ll start there. The Tool Monster combines 22 tools into a very compact, two piec...

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▲這個老師就是要這麼麻辣。(source:boredpanda,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 教導學生一直都是一項很艱難的任務,難怪很多人都說這年頭老師最難當,要做到讓學生心服口服,除了麻辣鮮師裡面的徐磊,當今還有幾位老師能做到呢? 這可不好說,但是根據boredpanda報導,這裡...
