
Photoshop Quick Tip: Create a Lomo Effect in 3 Simple Steps

These simple techniques can create some interesting and fun “Lomo” type effects. Try them on your photos and experiment to see what you can create. Related Posts Give Your Photos a Fast and Simple Instagram Effect ......

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【測試女生的反應】 據說有80%女生洗澡時都會....(限), 有20%女生洗澡時都唱 歌。 一男生聽到後回頭問一女同學:「你知道那20%的女 生在唱什麼歌嗎?」女同學:「不知道。」 男生哦了一聲就笑着走開了,旁邊聽到的人也笑了。女同學見大家都在笑就大聲喊:「我是真不知道嘛~有...
