
What is pop-up ad? - Definition from WhatIs.com

A pop-up ad is a pop-up window used for advertising. When the program is initiated by some user action, such as a mouse click or a mouseover, a window containing an offer for some product or service appears in the foreground of the visual interface....

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2014年還沒結束,但年度十大神曲應該可以評選出來了,因為今年的神曲實在是:太!多!了!有木有!多到腦洞大開,突破天際,顛覆你的三觀。  筆者作為跑音樂線的記者,一年來聽過的歌也不少了,不過和各位一樣,最後留在腦中印象深刻的都是這些神曲。以下這十首神曲,是其中的佼佼者,我們強烈建議您全部...
