
Bernard's Blog: Throttle Position Sensor

Amy said... I have a 2005 Ford Expedition with 62,000 miles. I have had the same problem with the acceleration. My mechanic changed the throttle body and it did not fix the problem. Their computer diagnostics showed no problem. The only light coming on wa...

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▲這名男子在和朋友裸泳時,突然覺得下面莫名爆痛。(source:augsburger-allgemeine,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 根據augsburger-allgemeine報導,德國奧格斯堡有一個國王湖,日前一名叫做郝伯特的男子正在和一群也愛在湖中裸體游泳的朋友玩水時,突...
