
Fifth Grade Reading Vocabulary - Spelling & Vocabulary Website: SpellingCity

5th Grade Books with Premium Lists Book Title Author Type Level Import If You Were There In 1776 Barbara Brenner Non-fiction 5.7/910L Import Sailing Home G. Rand & T.Rand Hist. Fiction/Indep. Reading 4.1/810L Import The Giver Lois Lowry Fiction/Story Y/5....

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所謂侍寢,就是俗話所說的古代皇宮中嬪妃們侍候帝王睡覺。這是嬪妃獲得帝王寵幸的必由之途。古代的文人用三千佳麗來形容皇帝的嬪妃眾多,也正因為嬪妃太多,帝王為了決定侍寢人選,嬪妃為了邀寵爭幸,就發生了許多令今人匪夷所思的事情,也為後世留下了許多難以想像的傳說。 有時,帝王的糊塗加上寵妃的任性,會鬧出所謂...
