
RESOLVED Help me find a good hot air rework station! - Page 1

Ì am also looking for a rework station and considering the Chinese equipment on Ebay and Amazon. I'd much prefer Pace or Weller, which is what I'm familiar with, but they are priced out of range of an individual purchaser. What system has the highest qual...

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今天要說的這個故事,關於Jill Dodd,   現在看來,她就是一個普通的職業女性, 有自己的工作,有自己的家庭,平時騎騎馬,看看風景,   但是這份歲月靜好的生活背後,其實隱藏了一段不那麼光彩的戀愛史。   說起她的故事,要回到她21歲那年… 那時候,...
