
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 | Android Central - Android Central | Android Forums, News, Reviews, Help and

As it does on a yearly basis, Samsung put on a huge event in Berlin coinciding with the IFA trade show to announce its latest Note device, the Galaxy Note 4. This high-end handset stole the show again, improving several aspects of the S Pen-toting, big-sc...

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美國賓夕法尼亞州一位31歲的男子Kyle Jones與91歲女子Marjorie McCool相戀。Kyle Jones表示自己從來都沒有與同齡女子約會過,但是卻喜歡和老年人共度美好時光,而且偏愛65歲以上的老年人。圖為Kyle Jones攜91歲女友與母親(右)三人照。 (乍看之下只是一家人阿!...
