
Samsung Nexus S (I9020 / I9023) - Mobile Gazette - Mobile Phone News

Samsung Nexus S by Google (I9020 / I9023) Available December 2010 (US & UK), Q1/Q2 2011 (Worldwide) 6th December 2010 One of the very last handset announcements of 2010, the Samsung Nexus S by Google is a high-end Android 2 ......

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【文字=胡士恩  攝影=twomonkeyfoto・Gazhua】 婚禮,是值得收藏一輩子的創作 上一代半婚禮多半是父母為了分享喜氣,哪家嫁女兒,哪家又娶了媳婦、廣邀親朋好友共襄盛舉。這年頭可不一樣,主場優勢來到新人手上(當然,父母還是很重要的),比起辦婚禮,更在意是參加一場「什麼樣的」、...
