
The Art Institute of Seattle - Art Schools - Belltown - Seattle, WA - Reviews - Photos - Yelp

33 Reviews of The Art Institute of Seattle "I am currently an audio production student in my second year here. I'm sorry to the people with poor reviews, but I have had a great experience in my program. My instructors are have taken a seemingly…...

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▲這樣是想嚇死誰...!(source:Facebook) 日前一名網友在臉書「屏東縣萬丹鄉交流地」社團po出一張照片,照片猛然一看以為是林正英道長又要拍攝最新一集的「新新暫時停止呼吸」,當時街上空無一人,一整排整齊劃一的「殭屍」面對著拍攝者,而發文的人竟說:「靠北,突然瞥見,被嚇一跳。收棚人員辛苦...
