
Vibrating eardrum, pulsating sensation, on and off. - Ear, Nose & Throat - MedHelp

I might have the same problem in my left ear. After reading over the characteristics of tinnitus, I doubt that's what it is. The sound is as if someone is drumming on my ear drum. The noise is low and deep, the bouts of thumpings happen with several secon...

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有網友分享了「讓男性魅力突飛猛進的12種道具」,你還缺哪一樣呢?缺女朋友的話快來看哦…我們努力讓自己變帥吧!1. 「手錶」許多女性都愛觀察男性的「手」,有點骨感的指節與乾淨的指甲,會讓女生對你有很棒的好印象!這時候再搭配上一只手錶,就是最讓人感受到男性魅力與知性的組合了~而且還會給人「...
