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This is a obvious hint towards suicidal feelings, "Preach all you want, but who's gonna save me?" is showing that the speaker cannot be saved by a higher power (example : God). The point that religion can not save him is "I keep a gun on the book you gave...

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充斥著玲琅滿目的街頭品牌洛杉磯,日前融合70年代搖滾與古巴哈瓦那做為靈感的當地品牌 Beautiful Fül 發送2014最新春夏系列。本季設計師Alejandro Rodriguez將年輕一代的次文化加以提升進化,大量使用丹寧、格紋、圓點與熱愛印花,融合窄褲搖滾元素,創造更加符合洛杉磯大熔爐的...
