
Sony A100 - KenRockwell.com: Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur

Sony A100 © 2006 KenRockwell.com If I bought one I'd get it here, here or here INTRODUCTION Some people forget that I'm a photographer, not a camera reviewer. I can't review everything. I only have the time to review what I might want ......

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圖、文  MILK X雜誌   也許有人會說:「透過表演尋找自己」。我可以同意那個說法,但我更覺得:「應該要透過表演,將自己潛在的個性激發出來,你才是你!」;簡嫚書在接受本月MILK X月刊封面人物訪問的時候如是說,也許是因為主修導演課程,讓簡嫚書在面對演員身分的時候,有更多不同...
