
Convert/Store MKV M2TS to Sony PS4 – Play HD Movies on a Display through PlayStation4

Store MKV M2TS to Sony PS4 – Play HD Movies on a Display through PS4 Sony's PlayStation 4 is one of the most anticipated releases of 2013 in the gaming world. It is said by the developer Sony to be with an overarching theme of a "frictionless and seamless...

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▲效果好像是真的很好啦......(source: 嘻報,以下同)   大家好我是云編~ 有些人為了愛美真的是什麼都做得出來。在英國有一名28歲的單親媽媽部落客Tracy Kiss,長期受紅斑挫瘡所苦的她,不想用抗生素治療,想要採用更加天然的療法。在搜尋資料研究過後,她認為「精液」是她最...
