
Use Sub Programming to make your own canned cycles | The CNC Project

To interpret this diagram start at the beginning. As you read down you see at line n30 the program calls, with an M98, the sub program 80. Moving through program 80 at line n15 the sub-program 85 is called. Program 85 runs down to the M99 which returns co...

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話說, 這幾年,你可能有過這樣的經歷: 某天夜晚,閒極無聊刷微博的你收到好友分享的一段視頻: 『不得不看!成年痘痘大解放!』   點開一看,一個渾圓飽滿鋥光發亮的大痘痘正在被醫生用手或各種器械戳弄… 擠痘痘視頻?惡不噁心哦.... 你本來不想看,但縮略圖上那鮮艷的痘痘讓你回...
