
TYGA LYRICS - Switch Lanes - AZLyrics - Song Lyrics from A to Z

Lyrics to "Switch Lanes" song by TYGA: When I switch lanes, phantom doors swing Arm out the window screaming money ain't a thang Call it au... ... [Hook:] When I switch lanes, phantom doors swing Arm out the window screaming money ain't a thang Call it .....

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【測試女生的反應】 據說有80%女生洗澡時都會....(限), 有20%女生洗澡時都唱 歌。 一男生聽到後回頭問一女同學:「你知道那20%的女 生在唱什麼歌嗎?」女同學:「不知道。」 男生哦了一聲就笑着走開了,旁邊聽到的人也笑了。女同學見大家都在笑就大聲喊:「我是真不知道嘛~有...
