
Sun tanning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sun tanning or simply tanning is the process whereby skin color is darkened or tanned. It is most often a result of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or from artificial sources, such as a tanning bed. People who deliberately tan their sk...

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阿拉伯聯合大公國在過去十多年裡,大肆開展了多個鋪張奢侈的建設大項目,包括:棕櫚群島和哈里發塔(迪拜塔)。現在,他們又打算在阿布扎比建設一個125000平方米的大公園,不過這個公園可不是你平時看到的那種普通公園。 這個美麗的公園是由Thomas Heatherwick 所設計,這位富有想像力和傳新力...
