
Chinese American Service League | 2141 S. Tan Court | Chicago, IL | 60616 | 312.791.0418

Making History Awards Honoring President Bernie Wong in 2013, The Chicago History Museum's Making History Awards honors Chicagoans whose contributions to our community have made Chicago a better place to live. Photo courtesy of the Chicago Sun-Times....

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人們總是說愛情是盲目的, 今天我們要說的,就是這樣一個看似衝動卻又實在美好的故事。 故事的主人公,是這個叫Grigory Prutov的男人。   Grigory Prutov來自俄羅斯,五官精緻,顏值在線,看起來找個女票也不是什麼絕對不可能的事情。 不過,從情竇初開之時,Grigory...
