
The Choice Driven Life | Discover The Life You Were Born To Live | choices| the choice| how to choos

The Choice Driven Life | Discover The Life You Were Born To Live | choices| the choice| how to choose| to choose| passion| destiny| future | life | live a life | how to live life | prayer | discover | Find my purpose | how do you find happiness | what is ...

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1.圖文不符:無論內文寫什麼,照片都是不相干的自拍照。 2.做什麼都要打卡:建立自High地標「在我家馬桶上」、「在小公主的城堡」。3.一天發超多貼文:今天睡好晚哦、準備吃晚餐了、這間店今天居然沒開。4.太自戀:一次po好幾張自拍照,但角度表情都差不多。5.一直貼歌詞貼YouTube:歌曲聽了有共...
