
from the Bartolini kitchens | "Mangia e statti zitto!"

"Mangia e statti zitto!" (by ChgoJohn) ... Uova in Purgatorio Hello? Is anybody there? Hmmm. Let me see. Let me see. When last I left you, it was at the height of the holiday season, with Christmas but a day away....

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話說, 這幾年,你可能有過這樣的經歷: 某天夜晚,閒極無聊刷微博的你收到好友分享的一段視頻: 『不得不看!成年痘痘大解放!』   點開一看,一個渾圓飽滿鋥光發亮的大痘痘正在被醫生用手或各種器械戳弄… 擠痘痘視頻?惡不噁心哦.... 你本來不想看,但縮略圖上那鮮艷的痘痘讓你回...
