
"The Magical Number Seven, plus or minus two" refers to the storage capacity of _________ memory.

Karl Lashley trained rats to solve a maze and then removed pieces of their cortexes. He observed that storage of their maze memories a. was restricted to their right cerebral heispheres b. was restricted to their left and right frontal lobes c. was restri...

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老爸接孩子從幼兒園回家,路上孩子對他說:爸爸,我累了。老爸對孩子說:咱倆數到三,爸爸就抱你走,行不行?孩子很高興的答應了。然後,老爸大聲說:預備——齊步走!1、2、1;1、2、1;1、2、1……他們倆一路走回家了。 ...
