
Small Luxury Hotels of the World | Boutique Hotels & Resorts | slh.com

It's the little things They say "small is beautiful", but we know there's much more to it than that. With 520 small hotels dotted across 80 countries, we've carefully selected a wish list of special places. They're all living proof that nothing beats indi...

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  別人再好,也是別人。自己再不堪,也是自己,獨一無二的自己。只要努力去做最好的自己,一生足矣。 我們時常會感覺到心累,只是自己想得太多。我們總說生活繁瑣,其實是自己不懂得品味。我們時常業務繁忙,只是自己得不到滿足。我們也總是爭強好勝,其實是自己虛榮心太強。其實,人生就那麼簡單。做個單純的...
