
Marc Andreessen on Why Software Is Eating the World - WSJ

In an interview with WSJ's Kevin Delaney, Groupon and LinkedIn investor Marc Andreessen insists that the recent popularity of tech companies does not constitute a bubble. He also stressed that both Apple and Google are undervalued and that "the market doe...

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回想這個月初,我們還在猶豫到底要不要看貝克漢(David Beckham)在廣告上被扒光,其實無須糾結結果,因為理所當然地,他被扒光了。 運動明星被扒光,其實也不是一天兩天的事。就廣告畫面而言,運動員因為訓練得來的肌肉線條搭配內衣褲的組合,似乎顯得沒那麼刻意(雖然說拿個明星或模特把他扒光,我想大家...


所以「上帝回來了」,天外飛來一筆的結論,清清楚楚印在Givenchy今年春夏最新發行的徽章上。不知道Riccardo Tisci是不是上了宗教的癮,前幾季開始就把聖母頭像、標語轉印在衣服上,而這塊有宣教意味外加點叛逆的胸章,也應該會有人想用$45元收藏(你沒看錯,的確是美金,約台幣1360元)。【...
