
Too Bad Lyrics

Lyrics to Too Bad by Doug & the Slugs from the Cognac and Bologna album on Lyrics.net - including song video, artist biography, translations and more! ... Too bad that you had to get caught, That's not like you to lose face. So sad that you're not as smar...

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文 / 小Mic這是大陸北京網友大樂子,去年1/1~1/8台灣七天八夜的環島日記,她將台灣的文化內涵、人文風光、美食、趣事以及人情味,全都用繪畫的方式表現出來,畫風相當生動細膩,讓人看了感到格外親切及有趣。※以下圖文皆徵得原作同意刊載※以上圖文皆徵得原作同意刊載歡迎到原作大樂子的博客參觀留言:&nb...
