
Logitech UE 900 - Head-Fi.org - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles

Pros: Crisp but not piercing highs, adequate bass, good sound stage, Logitech customer support is very helpful and proactive Cons: mids can seem a little flat time, cheap ... This is my first review so keep that in mind. I bought a pair used UE 900's at C...

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一天,一位法官的妻子看見兩個蚊子,便叫丈夫:「你快打死那隻蚊子!」 只見丈夫只把那個肚子飽飽的蚊子打死了,卻對那隻肚子乾癟的蚊子遲遲不下手, 妻子滿臉疑惑的問:「為什麼不把那隻蚊子也打死?」 丈夫板著臉正經的回答說:「 證據不足。。。」...
