
Distinguishing Between Wants and Needs - Frugal Living

Wants vs. Needs How to Distinguish Between the Two Lasse Kristensen/Moment Open/Getty Images By Erin Huffstetler ... 2015. Need- something you have to have Want-something you would like to have The difference between a need and a want is pretty ? It ......

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今天的故事,和國外一位網紅妹子有關。 她叫Sonia Leslie,今年22歲。   雖然年紀輕輕,但她已經憑着高超的化妝技能,成為油管上小有名氣的網紅,坐擁5.5萬訂閱用戶。   為了帶給粉絲實實在在的「乾貨」內容,妹子平時也是很拼。 不僅要緊跟潮流,推出各種時尚的化妝教程,...
