
My daughter, who lost her battle with mental illness, is still the bravest person I know - The Washi

I lost my darling daughter Natalie to mental illness last month. She killed herself a few weeks short of her 29th birthday by stepping in front of a train in Baltimore. Natalie and I wrote a book together when she was 16: “Promise You Won’t Freak Out: A T...

網址安全性掃描由 google 提供

▲一名莫名的妹子密了網美要她封鎖自己男友的帳號,網美無奈照做,結果卻笑翻所有網友。(source:brightside,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 現代科技發達,很多人都已經用LINE等通信軟體取代了寫信和面對面溝通的機會,雖然方便了許多,但是人們也因為方便快速而越來越少在對話中進...
