
Wii U eShop Games List (Out Now)

Browse our list of Wii U eShop games which are available now in Europe or North America. Click on the game rating to get straight to our review. ... Title Rating System Publisher Players Genre US Date « Price Cube Life: Island Survival-Wii U eShop Cyproni...

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平淡的居家生活  猛烈的整老母計畫 有一名男子在家閒閒沒事做,買了個假耳朵, 準備要來整老媽,趁老媽在客廳沙發上放鬆休息時,突然大叫:我的耳朵!我的耳朵! 結果老媽衝到廁所一看,大聲尖叫!!!!兒子的耳朵居然掉在手上! ↓登登登!主角假耳朵出場!是假的!!~大家不用緊張! &da...
