
Adventure Time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After the writers pitch the stories, the ideas are compiled onto a "two-to-three" page outline that contain "the important beats". The episodes are then passed to storyboard artists, who are given a week to "thumbnail a storyboard" and fill in the details...

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這也許是我這輩子無法翻身的導火線, 我跟女朋友認識一年多了,關係一直很好, 如果不出意外過幾年就可以走出婚姻的殿堂了, 她對我每天花的錢管的很嚴格, 於是就有了接下來我悲慘到已經無法再挽回的地步的事件。 你們看,我錢包裡除了公交卡,身份證, 名片和一點零散的紙幣外根本就見不到任何銀行卡的影&nbs...
