
Dumb & Dumber (1994) - Quotes - IMDb

Harry Dunne: [a large bus full of gorgeous women in bikinis pull up beside them and three step out] Bikini Girl: Hi, guys. We're going on a national bikini tour, and we're looking for two oil boys who can grease us off before each competition. Harry Dunne...

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據蘋果日報報導,高雄新興區媚力生活館有一位「神之手」,手技銷魂,讓男客欲仙欲死。這名踏入神乎其技境界的美容師是大陸人,姓任,今年25歲,店內編號120,能讓客人在三分鐘內繳槍投降,工人們爭相競傳,一傳十,十傳百,任姓美容師迅速名揚色情界。 雖然大名鼎鼎,卻也受盛名所累,警方很快就接獲對該店的檢舉。...
