
Integrate zxing barcode scanner into your Android app natively using Eclipse | Damian Flannery's Blo

Update: Please note that this tutorial was written over a year ago. ZXing has moved on quite a bit since then as have the Android Developer Tools. I haven't had time to revisit and update the post but it should give you a good steer in the right direction...

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TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 情侶在相處過程中,發生意見不合、觀念不同的情況是非常常見的,偶爾發生小爭吵也是無可避免,但在吵架過程中往往因為觸犯到對方的禁忌點而越吵越兇,一發不可收拾!在發生爭執時不僅要理性溝通,更不要觸犯以下這幾件事,才能讓感情細水長流!1.急著把錯都怪在對方...


TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 感情是個很神奇的東西,熱戀期愛得火熱,世界好像只有你們彼此,過了熱戀期,有時候彼此的感覺比冰箱還有冷。當生活中許多事情開始浮現,妳開始抱怨他的行為,或是發現他到現在還不了解妳,妳是否開始思考自己的感情是否亮起紅燈,其實這些行為對於感情並沒有太多關係,...
